"Is There No Balm In Gilead; Is There No Physician There? (Jer 8:22)
  Be Thou Diligent To Know The State Of Thy Flocks, And Look Well To Thy Herds." (Proverbs 27:23) 

During Thanksgiving weekend 2003, Jill and I moved our family to Kennewick WA, which is part of the tri-cities, with a combined population of roughly 130,000 people.  Because we were expecting our 6th child around the end of January, we immediately began looking for a Christian OB/GYN and a hospital where abortion would not be committed.  We contacted many different sources during our search such as CPC’s, denominational churches, Catholic institutions etc..  Numerous doctors were recommended with glowing remarks regarding their abilities and their faith.  However, as Jill began to call many of them, she was unable to find any who did not prescribe the so-called contraception or birth control pills.  Yet they were all recommended as Christian doctors. 

The situation was similar in California and Texas, and truthfully, just about everywhere we have been.  Wonderful doctors doing a vital service for their fellow man and yet these same angelic individuals will take out their prescription pads and condemn innocent children to death, and it appears they cannot be reasoned with to the contrary.  Even Christian doctors who teach bible studies and lead men's and women’s groups, admonishing others to live holy lives, cannot be spoken to regarding the wholesale slaughter they themselves perpetuate.  Yes, there are some pharmacists and doctors who truly do not know that they have been deceived by a very cunning adversary, and because they do belong to Jesus, He will lead them and guide them into all truth (John 16:13) and wash them clean in His own blood, and we pray that it will be so.  It is for them we write these things, looking forward to that day when "My people who are called by My name...will repent of their wicked ways..."(2Chron 7:14), for then we have His promise, that Jesus will not only forgive us, but He will heal our land.  Just recently, more pharmacists lost their jobs (articles are posted on our homepage) for refusing to fill deadly prescriptions. 

Thankfully, God has kept His remnant among us, a peculiar people, aliens and strangers who will not bow their knee to the baals.  Check out a directory of them at  www.omsoul.com  and see if any practice medicine in your local area.  These are God fearing physicians who are willing to be ridiculed and mocked for His Kingdom here and now.  They are worthy of our medical business, our appreciation, prayers and support.   "I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee."(Heb 2:12)  What a faithful Lord Jesus Christ we serve.

{There are NO copyrights on Life.Org materials - copy and distribute freely in His Name.  2 Chron 7:14

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