And (God) put all things under His (Jesus) feet, and gave Him (Jesus) to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." (Ephesians 1:22-23; also read Colossians 1:18)

Currently, the institutional Church community is occupied with the issues of sodomite marriage and the ordination of sodomite clergy.  Yet, in the book of Lamentations, we are given the reasons why these issues are now before us.
"The kings of the earth did not believe nor did any of the world's people, that enemies and foes could enter the gates of Jerusalem.  But it happened because of the sins of her prophets and the iniquity of her priests, who shed within her the blood of the righteous (Lamentations  4:12-13)".  So then, the real issue before us is un-repentant murder among God's people, the result of which is sodomite ordination and marriage etc..  Since the 1961 doctrinal decision by the Council of Churches USA, to accept contraception birth control , plague after plague has befallen America, but none without cause.  If you have not already done so, please read and share the article "Come ye out from among them My People" at

Ephesians 1:22-23 tells us that the true Church is one with Jesus Christ, the body being one with the head.  Among the reasons the Apostle Paul wrote this to us was that when he was on the Damascus road, Jesus said to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you perscuting ME?" (Acts 9:4), as opposed to why do you perscute my followers.  The Church is to be Christ in this world and the Holy Spirit is here now and living in our hearts to help conform all believers to Our Lord's image and likeness, until He is all and in all.  God's one world order if you will.   "The earth was created for Him" (Col 1:16).  "The earth is the Lord's" (Psalm 24:1).  Until the whole earth is filled with the glory of God, Christ in us.  That was and still is God's plan for the earth and for mankind, and at the end of the day, God will have such a people, out from every nation, kindred and tongue.  This is the will of God - to populate the entire earth with Jesus Christ.  Christian parents raising Godly offspring is a major part of that plan.  So also is evangelization.  Have christian couples forgotten this?  Is their conjugal act now for pleasure only, and if so, is it not therefore sodomitic?  Once we remove God's plan from our vision, the earth's purpose will be aborted, and likewise, any organization calling itself the Church. 

When Christians first make a public confession, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the implication should be, that just as the voice from Heaven bore witnesss, that "this is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased (Matt 3:17)", God made known His original intent when declaring "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness" (Gen 1:26).   John 3:16  says that Jesus is God's "only begotton Son",  Our focus here is on the word "only".  God does not have any other Son and therefore any other Church.  We are either in Him or we are out.  There is no other name under Heaven by which men can be saved.  No un-repentant murderers, sorcerers (including pharmakia) etc. will inherit the kingdom of Heaven (Gal 5:21)."

Although Hebrews 13:8 tells us "Jesus Christ is the same yesturday, today, and forever", it is becoming more and more apparent, that many who call themselves Christian, are demanding that Jesus Christ should be conformed to their image and likeness rather than they to Him.  You, dear saints, "may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He who calls you is faithful, and also will do it (1 Thes 5:23-24)"For,"Unless The Lord build the house, they labor in vain who try to build it  (Psalm 127:1)". 


U.S. War Deaths Years / Dates Conflict Duration  YRS. Total Number of Deaths Deaths Per Day
American Revolution 1775 - 1783 8.38 yrs. (3,059 days) 4,435 1.4
War of 1812 1812 - 1815 2.52 yrs.         ( 919 ) 2,260 2.5
Mexican War 1846 - 1848 1.76 yrs.          ( 642 ) 13,283 20.7
Civil War 1861 - 1865 4.12 yrs.       ( 1,505 ) 498,332 331.1
Spanish-American War 1898 0.30 yrs.         ( 109 ) 2,446 22.4
World War 1 1917 - 1918 1.60 yrs.         ( 584 ) 116,516 199.5
World War 11 1941 - 1946 5.07 yrs.      ( 1,850 ) 405,399 219.1
Korean Conflict 1950 - 1953 3.09 yrs.      ( 1,128 ) 36,576 32.4
Vietnam Conflict 1964 - 1973 8.49 yrs.      ( 3,100 ) 58,200 18.8
Gulf War 1990 - 1991 0.58 yrs.       ( 210 ) 382 1.8
Iraq  3-19-2003 through 2-11-2012 8.90 yrs.       ( 3249 ) 4804 1.48
Surgical Abortion 1973 - 2019
46.0  yrs. and counting Over 60,000,000 and  counting (*) Roughly 3,000 Per day
Chemical Abortion et al
(Low Estimate ***
1973 - 1993
20.0 yrs and still counting. 9,659,000  Per Year
26,463  Per Day
 Chemical Abortion et al
(High Estimate***)
1973 - 1993
20.0 yrs and still counting.
14,320,000   Per Year
39,233  Per day
Chemical Abortion : includes all forms of contraception birth control, i.e. The Pill, EC, Mini, Norplant, IUD etc.. 
( * )  Using an average of 1.33 million surgical abortions per year (per 365 days).
( ** ) Began prior to 1973. 
(***) Based on the chart showing yearly statistics for infant homicides in the USA at
These abortion figures are for the USA only. 

Infant Homicides Through Contraception: A summary of research data compiled by Dr. Bogomnir M. Kuhar, Executive Director, Pharmacists for Life International.  They continue to stand by Dr. Kuhar's data, and their website,  continues to feature Infant Homicides Through Contraception.

1)    ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES [The Pill, in over 40 varieties] Oral contraceptives have a threefold mechanism of action: a) they suppress ovulation; b) they alter the cervical mucus to reduce sperm migration into the cervical os; and c) they alter the biochemical milieu in the endometrium resulting in the prevention of implantation/nidation. It is the latter mechanism which is abortifacient and which concerns us here. Oral contraceptives have a breakthrough ovulation rate of 2 to 10% (Peel and Potts, 1969). This figure varies with the author in question. For example, one study with 7 low dose oral contraceptives found an ovulation rate of 4.7% (Van der vange, 1986). In 1990, the Ortho Corporation’s annual report on oral contraceptive usage estimated 13.9 million US women use oral contraceptives. A 2% rate yields 278,000 ovulatory cycles based on the above user estimate. We also know that in any given cycle there is a 25% overall conception rate for normally fertile couples of average sexual activity (Kippley, 1986). Multiplying the two yields a result of 69,500 chemical abortions per cycle or 834,000 per year. A 10% rate yields 1,390,000 ovulatory cycles times 25% rate for a resulting 347,500 chemical abortions per cycle or 4,170,000 per year. Thus we have a range of 834,000 to 4,171,000 abortions annually.

2)    INTRAUTERINE DEVICES [IUDs: their use has declined, due to risk] IUDs work by interfering with the enzymatic processes of the developing blastocyst and by inflaming the endometrium whereby it is hostile to implantation/nidation. Also, the Progestasert IUD acts by altering the endometrial milieu, making it inhospitable to implantation/nidation. The probability of conception using an IUD, based on about 1.5 million users times the 25% conception rate equals 375,000 conceptions, since IUDs do not prevent ovulation. We also know there [is about a] 15% IUD user unplanned pregnancy rate; therefore, 56,250 preborn lives are recognized per cycle (many of those to be killed later by surgical abortion?), leaving 318,750 mechanical abortions per cycle or 3,825,000 per year. [In the U.S., numerous lawsuits have sharply reduced the demand for IUDs.]

3)    DEPO-PROVERA (DMPA) This long-acting progestin is injected under the woman’s skin every 3 months and was approved by the FDA in Dec. 1992 for “contraceptive” use. DMPA was available for over 20 years, and many physicians have used it as an abortifacient, an unlabeled and unapproved use, but one which is perfectly legal in the 27 United States. Based on an estimated 1,000,000 users and an ovulation rate of 40-60% (Belsey, 1988), we can determine at the lower rate there are 400,000 ovulatory cycles times 25% conception rate yielding about 100,000 chemical abortions per cycle or 1,200,000 per year. At the 60% rate, we have 600,000 ovulatory cycles times 25% conception rate equaling 150,000 chemical abortions per cycle or 1,800,000 per year. It must be borne in mind the worldwide number, not estimated here, must be quite significant since it has been used in developing countries—at times without the approval of the local government—for over 20 years, shipped from Upjohn’s facility in Belgium. DMPA also acts by altering the endometrial milieu, preventing implantation/nidation by the tiny preborn human.

4)    NORPLANT Norplant is a subdermal implant of six one-inch long silastic rods which contain the proges-tin levonorgestrel, and acts for up to 5 years. There are an estimated 1,500,000 users, more or less with about another million worldwide, according to Wyeth-Ayerst, distributor of the chemical in the United States for the Population Council. Norplant acts like other progestins as an abortifacient (supra 1,3) with an ovulation rate of 50- 65% (higher in some studies). At a 50% ovulation rate, we have 750,000 ovulatory cycles times a 25% conception rate, equaling 187,500 chemical abortions per cycle or 2,250,000 per year. At a 65% ovulation rate we have 975,000 ovulatory cycles times a 25% conception rate or 243,750 chemical abortions per cycle or 2,925,000 per year. [Editorial note: Dr. Kuhar accepts the Centers for Disease Control and Alan Guttmacher Institute’s 1989 estimate of 1,500,000 surgical abortions annually in the U.S., and he accepts the CDC’s estimate of 50,000 to 100,000 Prostaglandin (PG) and Saline abortions annually.]

CONCLUSION: Totaling up, the above yield an estimated 9,659,000 to 14,320,000 chemical, mechanical and surgical abortions per year in the U.S. alone. This truly is the bloodiest century in all recorded history.

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